Montessori Seerah Curriculum

In this section of the website you will find information about our Montessori seerah curriculum. This curriculum has been develop by Rumi Montessori and is suitable for children aged 3-12 years.
The seerah is broken down into mini lessons which can be presented to the children in small groups. These stories are by no means 100% ready, but we have decided to share the text and videos for free so that other children and families around the world can benefit and join us on our seerah story journey.
Downloadable links to the story and videos of the presentations can be found below and on our Youtube Channel.
Seerah Story 1: Baby Ismaeel and the Well of Zamzam
This is the first lesson is our seerah curriculum. It tells the story of Siti Hajar and Baby Ismaeels journey to Mecca and the discovery of the well of Zamzam.